
Digi Diary

Personal Note Taking App

The Personal Diary mobile application is your digital journal and companion for recording your thoughts, experiences, and memories on the go.


Year of Project was


Technology used

Flutter & Firebase

Project Size


Our Work

For the front-end of “Digidiary.” We designed an intuitive, distraction-free user interface, emphasizing simplicity and efficiency in note-taking. In addition, we integrated ad services to ensure the app’s sustainability, while making user privacy a top priority by not collecting any private data.

Creating an engaging and user-friendly design was a critical focus. I ensured that users could capture their thoughts without distraction. The dynamic theming feature allowed users to personalize their note-taking environment, making it a truly individualized experience.

For added convenience, “Digidiary” offered users the ability to sync their notes with Google Drive, ensuring accessibility and backup options.

Client Review


"Good work by the team, I'm satisfied"


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